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Darwin and Asa Gray

Started by Griffin NoName, March 24, 2007, 01:47:59 AM

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Griffin NoName

Website Darwin Correspondence Project, Cambridge University Library.

The Project is premiering a new play RE: Design by Craig Baxter, a dramatisation of letters exchanged by Charles Darwin and Asa Gray, which is being put on by the Menagerie Theatre Company at The Junction in Cambridge on Sunday.

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One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

Sibling Chatty

One of my favorite theatrical forms, and a good topic.

WANT to see it (and several more on the list.)

Not going to happen, but one can dream.

Correspondence plays (like Dear Liar, from the correspondence of Bernard Shaw and Mrs. Patrick Campbell) have always been among my favorites because there is so much to do with just the actor, not with lots of set pieces and extra people and assorted diversions. I should imagine that the correspondence between Darwin and Grey would be very intriguing. There's so much more that comes out about a person in their correspondence.

Now. in the age of e-mail, this type of theatre is destined to join the dodo...
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