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Happy Chanukah!

Started by Opsa, December 05, 2007, 03:07:54 PM

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 :tlite: :candle: :candle: :pillar: :pillar: :candle: :candle: :tlite:

Happy Chanukah!

This is a good holiday for Toadfish, as it is about overcoming religious intolerance. You might like to light a candle tonight at sundown to promote tolerance.

(It actually started last night at sundown, but hopefully it's okay to start a bit late. Better late than never?)

goat starer

"Some scholars say the word was derived from the Hebrew verb "חנך" meaning "to sacrifice" or to "kill." On Chanukkah, the Jews mark the sacrifice of the goat in the House of the Lord"

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Best regards

Comrade Goatvara

"And the Goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a Land not inhabited"


Another definition of "sacrifice" is "to make sacred"... ;D

Griffin NoName

Chaukah celebrates two miracles, the first being:

Quote from:]The 2nd century BCE victory of a small, greatly outnumbered and out-armed army of Jews, known as the "Maccabees," over the mighty Greek army that occupied the Holy Land. The rebellion was in response to the Greek attempt to force a Hellenistic G-dless lifestyle on the Jewish inhabitants of Israel.

The second of course is the oil bit. ;D

I just discovered all my bottles of various types of cooking oil are down to the last dregs (and best before 2005). This year, maybe I'll throw a match in the bottles rather than burn wax. Waste not, want not, but maybe not popular with the neighbours.

Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

Sibling Chatty

I can't find my menorah.

Dan's cool with it, though. He's an equal opportunity holiday ignorer and we won't have a tree either.

I'm still anglin' for latkes and sour cream, even if I have to cook 'em myself. He's not giving up the herring in sour cream, I want my latkes. And a jelly donut.  Hey we lived in a Jewish neighborhood when I was a kid. There are some things that I got used to... NOT gefilte fish, though. (But I love my kreplach.)

At Target today, there was a soft squeaky-toy dreidel for dogs, along with sweaters, dresses, dishes etc all decorated for your devoutly Jewish canines. ::)

Crass commercialism? NAAAAAHHHH...
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Griffin NoName

And I want my Chanukah Gelt !!!

Even the chocolate gelt would do ;)
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand

Sibling Chatty

Heh, I have my gelt.

Chocolate, that is. I love elderly traditionalists that still think of a 55 year old woman as a child that needs her chocolate. Tante Rachel is 97. :mrgreen:
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Ah, you guys are making me remember my Jewish stepmom who died this year ("Gawd rest her soul" she'd add, in her Brooklyn accent). She made the most wonderful latkes and we'd always get the chocolate gelt.

It's so odd when people go. You suddenly realize how often you think of them. I guess we think of eachother a lot when we're alive, but when one goes you really notice the pang.

Shalom, may she rest in peace.

Who's up for lox?


Quote from: goat starer on December 05, 2007, 03:23:36 PM
"Some scholars say the word was derived from the Hebrew verb "חנך" meaning "to sacrifice" or to "kill." On Chanukkah, the Jews mark the sacrifice of the goat in the House of the Lord"

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

I think I might be turning Jewish.

But the evidence is only circumstantial. Or some similar word.
The angels have the phone box

The Meromorph

Might that similar word be curried:P
Dances with Motorcycles.


Not what I had in mind, but see what you mean.
The angels have the phone box

Griffin NoName

Possibly Beagle was thinking of the word superficial or circumspect.....  possibly even substantial. We need a Toadfsih thesaurus. :mrgreen:
Psychic Hotline Host

One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand
