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If you live near Keystone Colorado

Started by anthrochild87, November 20, 2008, 12:33:51 AM

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No i'm not trying to solicite a date- just need some friends that I could hang out with.. seeing as I am stuck at home or work all the time ^_^

And seeing as how I have major home sickness- ( it being near the holidays and all) that would be awesome ^_^

Just let me know ^_^


I'm driving distance from the Rockies (heck, I'm biking distance, almost).  A bit far north, though. ;)



i would love to hang out with you... but yes that might be a bit far



Moved a bit closer, but still bit of a trek....
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Griffin NoName

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One approaches the journey's end. But the end is a goal, not a catastrophe. George Sand



yesh.. or a big system of tubes like in futurama