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Messages - piscatorial pugalist

The sound of trumpets break the air......heralding the entrance of the 'The Hat'....who flounces in, casts a monocled eye around the proceedings...

Well, Well I say me pyraty we're all having a go at this politiking are we......*turns to the Mairs all stood eyeballing each other*

...with a slight sneer on his lips

..."If i'd known it was gonna be fancy dress......I'd 'ave dressed down"

..and then casts his monocle around for the shapely gert.......dribbling slightly
Games and Jokes / Re: Two word story
November 09, 2008, 10:58:16 PM
Chapter Thirteen

Emilio's granny tranny did Vestibule Design during the small expansion era that would later be known as "Purple Tulip of Rambunctiousness Week". Captain Gruehenhaphartz was known to dislike the Belgians, their waffles, Eddie Mercx, the perpetual rain and Brussel sprouts. Idiotic parasites would run free over the vestibules of impoverished snail shells of humble mutant whelks.

"Gadzooks, sirrah!" quoth Admiral Herbitch of Doggeral Bank. " The spirketting mavostis have filched the communion champagne and gone beserk. Fetch me musket Seaman Peabody !". He then leapt over
the parapet and crashed right into Lara Croft.

"Ai say Ma'am," he wined. "Get...", he got whacked about the unmentionable but nonetheless widely broadcast and very extremely dubious hand signals
Games and Jokes / Re: Two word story
November 09, 2008, 12:39:22 AM
Chapter Thirteen

Emilio's granny tranny did Vestibule Design during the small expansion era that would later be known as "Purple Tulip of Rambunctiousness Week". Captain Gruehenhaphartz was known to dislike the Belgians, their waffles, Eddie Mercx, the perpetual rain and Brussel sprouts. Idiotic parasites would run free over the vestibules of impoverished snail shells of humble mutant whelks.

"Gadzooks, sirrah!" quoth Admiral Herbitch of Doggeral Bank. " The spirketting mavostis have filched the communion champagne and gone beserk. Fetch me musket Seaman Peabody !". He then leapt over
the parapet and crashed right into Lara Croft.

"Ai say Ma'am," he wined. "Get...", he got whacked about
Oh roight.......where's me little brolly for it then?  >:(
Portsmouth / Re: The Admiral Benbow
November 09, 2008, 12:29:21 AM
*Takes Gert aside to Hexplain that wen yooose comes from the Land of Scotia, that De wearing hove the Sporran is a compulsory fixture, did you not notice Big Ear's sporran made from a small fashionable in the late 1750's. Finds himself fixated with Gerts W o' MD's and tries stop the dribble running down 'is chin*
*Slips into a quit corner and tries to see if he could get raydeeo 6 on his hat*
Games and Jokes / Re: Word Association Game
October 31, 2008, 05:29:01 PM
Long arm.....ovvv de leeeeeuuuuuuuuuw
Games and Jokes / Re: Two word story
October 31, 2008, 05:25:18 PM
Chapter Thirteen

Emilio's granny tranny did Vestibule Design during the small expansion era that would later be known as "Purple Tulip of Rambunctiousness Week". Captain Gruehenhaphartz was known to dislike the Belgians, their waffles, Eddie Mercx, the perpetual rain and Brussel sprouts. Idiotic parasites would run
Games and Jokes / Re: When the IMF runs out.....
October 30, 2008, 06:59:26 PM
I have checked me sporran and I am mostly flush with....

...Luncheon Vouchers, bring on the IMF demise

Ah my appointment with Madame Cyn approaches..
Games and Jokes / Re: Two word story
October 30, 2008, 06:42:23 PM
Chapter Thirteen

Emilio's granny tranny did Vestibule Design during the small expansion era that would later be known as "Purple Tulip of Rambunctiousness Week". Captain Gruehenhaphartz was known
Portsmouth / Re: The Admiral Benbow
October 30, 2008, 06:36:27 PM
...whips out his Sou Wester from his sporran and swops it with Fine and Dandy hat ......which he carefully folds and puts back into his sporran....well the size has already ben noted  ;D

and manages to slip in some senna pods to Pachys Keg ( with handle)

...that should keep him running.....
..And like Michael ha' seen most of this world ......out o' er window
And by Neptune she doth handle her Flintlock wih such consumate skill, whilst the wind caresses her hair as she strides amid her poopdeck....


Portsmouth / Re: The Admiral Benbow
October 30, 2008, 06:19:41 PM
*notices Big Ears has stumbled in and hides his money pouch in his sporron*

..and what is this PC world you speak of, pray tell........we only live in this world and rumour has it, it is flat with slightly bevelled edges...


...sidles over to bluenose to discuss wether he needs some illict brasso he's recently come in to.......fell of the back of a schooner youse know
Portsmouth / Re: The Admiral Benbow
October 30, 2008, 06:16:05 AM
*Staggers in to pub in a most dishevelled manner, wild eyed and ranting summat bout finding his *tinted net*

I'll have at least 2 pints of Backlash and one o' em famous brasso chasers please young Darlica please...........found me way back, ruddy amazing me lubberlies........*quoffs desperately*

*He suddenly notices Darlicas W's O' MD and all is well with the world *

*editors note*
W's O' MD is the fond term for them there secret Weapons O' Mass Distraction...they said they didn't exist .....they blardy well do if youse squint long enuf*
Portsmouth / Re: The Admiral Benbow
September 28, 2008, 10:49:51 PM
*The entrance is magnificent, the swagger is wide and lary it was just a shame the feathers were ripped orf' 'is 'at by them there meat jig hooks hung over the door*

'"Avaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast there me lumbagoe ridden compatriots'

'Captains Whatever all round.........join me at me the table and throw some knives at the dartboard'

*practices his leering at Darlica.....ends up looking like a constipated Orang-u-tang with a 2 Durian fruits stuck in 'is gob....oh well*