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Messages - stellinacadente

Today I decided that it was about time I gave some loving to myself!

So I surrounded the bath tub with candles, filled it up and added some White Tea Dead sea salts to the water and soaked to my heart's content!

Then, I used my favorite sugar scrub (lime and coconut) and completed the whole experience with Shea butter moisturizing lotion...  :stars:

I smell great! :mrgreen:

Of course, some Korean or Thai massage would have been the ultimate pleasure, but hey... :mrgreen:one cannot have it all right?

How do you pamper yourself???
Debating Chamber / Re: Omniscience vs. Free will
August 25, 2010, 06:29:46 PM
I have recently came to be interested in the kabbala and one the interesting (and very complicated, beyond my means!) things is how the kabbala sees God and the world...

IN the Tree of life there are several instances of God (El, Eloim etc.), all emanating from the first Intelligence that (supposedly) created all this, Yaveh.

Now the Kabbala, in my understanding, says that Yaveh has created this instances to know himself...and creating this instaces, he created the Universe as we know it...maybe that is the omniscience as it was originally concieved before Christians got a hold on it...

just a mere though...

and my deepest apology to anyone who belongs to Judaism, for possibly butchering the Kabbala beliefes and meaning...not inteded I promise!

Quote from: Aggie on August 25, 2010, 06:25:20 AM
One word of advice:  Don't do the catering yourself. ;)

NOT in a million years :D... the first time was HORRIBLE (I wouldn't even define it as a wedding, but a mere formality...)

This time around is going to be BIG and posh and luxurious and dreamy :D

(only the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true- Cinderella )

:donatello: :ROFL:
Ok I thought you guys would talk me out of it... but since you want to play along with my madness  :mrgreen:

here are a couple of ideas

wedding gown




the following are for my daughter (the flower girl!!! :D)

option 1-for wedding gown  3
option 2 -for wedding gown 3

for wedding gown #1,2

stay tuned for bouquet, cake and color arrangements...

I had thought of a summer wedding to be honest, but when Opsa mentioned Fall... my heart went to it...since fall is my favorite season and I love the colors of harvest...

oh yeah... maybe I should probably need to start dating LOL

Quote from: Sibling Zono (anon1mat0) on August 24, 2010, 06:50:26 PM
What about the venue? Perhaps a place like the ice hotel in Norway?  ;)

I actually chose an hotel in Long Island, NY but I am kinda having second thoughts on it...maybe I should go for a wedding in the City... :D
Quote from: Opsanus tau on August 24, 2010, 05:44:49 PM
What I want to know is... what colors, etc. stelli actually might prefer.

that is a very difficult question :D ...

per se, I would love to have gold and a deep shade of burgundy as my colors


I also would like to have a bouquet of sunflowwers, fiery red and purple fresias...which do not really fit...

planning a dream wedding is a pain in the....:D
Quote from: Griffin NoName on August 24, 2010, 12:48:01 AM
Quote from: stellinacadente on August 23, 2010, 04:54:26 PM
... should have said something while I was in London for the whole month of May  ;)

............and you didn't visit me? Are you mad?

Begging your forgiveness on this instance... it was a very challenging time and ended it up evven worse... but that is a different sotry :)

Next time ok?
Quote from: Opsanus tau on August 23, 2010, 04:01:33 PM
I figured stelli meant either you or DaveL!  ;)

I don't think there's any real harm in putting you ducks in a row if you'd like to do so. Just think of all the time it'll save when and if you do decide to tie the knot somewhere down the road. Daydreaming can be fun, as long as you don't stress out over it. What the heck!

yes...Opsa... daring to dream again is the challenge everyone faces after bad experience :) just not to this exent! :mrgreen:
Quote from: Sibling DavidH on August 23, 2010, 11:57:53 AM
I don't know if I can 'Dave' you, but I can tell you to relax, have a nice hot bath and crack open a bottle. 

I live in"dry country",USA no alcohol allowed here...why do you think I am going mental  :mrgreen:

Quote from: Sibling DavidH on August 23, 2010, 11:57:53 AM
Then start saving the air fare for a visit to me and MrsH and Cap'n B in sunny (well.....) Herefordshire.  ;D

awwww... should have said something while I was in London for the whole month of May  ;)
@Swato that color is the most horrifying shade I have ever seen :D
Ye see??? How completely mental I have gone???

I guess this is the ultimate stage of my slow road to the a mental institution...

I have found myself lately fantasizing about wedding venues, picking my colors...

today I went as far as registering an account at (how embarassing!)

what is the big deal?

well... I am not even dating!!!!!
someone please DAVE ME FROM MYSELF!!!! :scared:
Politics / Re: ONU in Italy in 2011
August 23, 2010, 03:52:24 AM
ah... I wish I could say that everything will improve... but I know them all too well...

the Chambers will be dismissed by the President
they will have new elections (YAY more money  down the deficit whole!)
with all probability the Left wing will win but since they have never been able to agree to what to have for dinner
their government will last a baby breath
Berlusconi will come and save the day again...

vicious circle...hard to break
Politics / ONU in Italy in 2011
July 26, 2010, 06:04:55 PM
Oh well... despite the fact that the international community has been giving many many signs of being disturbed by the current Italian Prime Minister, Mr Berlusconi has kept on going and is now on the verge of passing a law that would silence the media reestablishing a censorship the world has not seen since Stalin...

Now the UN has announced an "observation" mission for 2011 since it has picked up very concerning time for the freedom of information in Italy...

about time I would say...

Some thing really concerning is going around the globe these days... is 2012 really the end (kidding people just kidding :D )
Natural Traditions / Re: In the Wild I go....
April 24, 2010, 06:26:16 PM
Quote from: Opsanus tau on April 24, 2010, 03:45:19 PM
No cry... rain good for plants!  :pat:

Yes! and I do so love going in the fields under a drizzle... unfortunately I don't have my gear with me...

but tomorrow is the day! :)