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Messages - stellinacadente

Quote from: Opsanus tau on September 02, 2010, 10:31:28 PM
There's just something marvelous about the dawn- it's so dramatic! The birds, the golden light, the possibilities of the day- they're all so fresh.  It's like the overture for an opera.

Oh Opsa you are a born poet! :)

I am with you though with he middle of the day zombieship :)
Miscellaneous Discussion / Re: It's getting biblical...
September 15, 2010, 05:19:30 AM
@ Blue hope you and your family are on safe grounds! Floods can be nasty... we had some bad flooring here in Nashville and that wasn't fun! (os so I hear since I was in Englad at that time  ;))

@Mental Block and Swaro... guys you are a crack up.. I have been LMAO
Wao... you guys got really wild while I was looking  :D

Will post new links (that work) to gowns  soon I hope :)

Meanwhile... the Klingon wedding is such an trashy and intriguing idea  :mrgreen:
Did you guys got freaked out by choices of gowns???


Quote from: Opsanus tau on August 31, 2010, 06:26:31 PM
sitting in a hot tub with the snow falling outside.

how about sitting in a hot tub outside in the snow?

I tried that during my visit to Rekijavik (Iceland... I really hope it is spelt that way)...

at first I thought the hotel guests were totally insane... then the friend I was with got me to give it a go... it was superb!
Miscellaneous Discussion / Re: In Memorium
September 02, 2010, 03:24:48 AM
Never watched... but I know your pain!

They killed my favorite show a couple of years ago (Boston Legal) and it was even mroe atrocious because the last episode was the best of the six series...
Quote from: Lindorm on August 31, 2010, 11:52:44 AM
I would be extremely surprised to the point of flabbergastedness if you had been there in person. It is a lake in the forests in the very south of the Swedish province Småland, close to the border of Skåne, some 40-50 km from the nearest town, Älmhult (yes, the Älmhult of IKEA fame). My family on my mother's side comes from the area, and we have a summer house there, too. 
Nope, never been to Sweeden, this lake looks very much like one close to Inverness in Scotland where I spent many summers...

Thanks for the picture!
How cool! We are all night owls by nature...I am not alone! :D

Night is much quiter... this is why I used to like it so much...but I have found that being a morning person gives me more energies to "size the day.."
I used to be a consumed night owl, prior to single parental duties of a super hyper child (from day one!)

After a period of healthy grudgin at the little suck...aehemmmm... bundle of joy :D, I resigned to the inevitable: I had given up for ever my wild nights and weekend late morning sleep in for years...

Now that I could go back being a night owl... I DOn'T want to :D

it's really cool to look at the clock at 7.30 and know that I am done with my daily bike ride/walk, wights and tai chi/qi qong routine!

What do you guys think?

oh and just in case... this article made me laught, I thought I share :D
Quote from: Lindorm on August 29, 2010, 01:59:35 PM
This one usually does it for me.

That looks familiar... where is it???
isn't my last post formatting weird????

my reply appears like a quote and the quote is the post... how did that happen???
Quote from: pieces o nine
A nice glass of cognac and two Raspberry Milano cookies.    :meal:

OMG! Those are my favorite cookies!!! Never thought about having them with cognac though (my favorite liquor)...

sounds like you and I could have a wonderful mini break from reality together :)
What are you / Re: What are you reading?
August 28, 2010, 03:25:06 AM
Finishing the Lord of the Rings - the return of the King...

starting the Hobbit really soon!
_BOY_ scrubs???? :mrgreen:

wao... I have never would have guessed you were that wild!  :D
Miscellaneous Discussion / Re: Feed the trolls, please
August 27, 2010, 07:57:57 PM
I think I have a couple on my laptop...and I can't get rid of them... I will have to format the HD  :2guns: