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Messages - Darlica

Quote from: Kiyoodle the Gambrinous on July 26, 2007, 08:07:15 PM
No, to be baptised as a Toadfish it would have to be "in the name of the Great Everything, the beer and the holy mother" and the baptism would have to take place in rum, not water...

Or maybe:
"hereby baptized in the name of the Great Everything, The Rum and the Holy Toadfish"....

I'll take that baptism to morrow if it was available! But then I'm the one that, as a teenager, when my classmates had finished their confirmation studies and started to wear little gold and sliver jewellery crosses around their necks wore a little enamelled Snoopy instead, claiming that he was a source if infinitive wisdom and inspiration to me... ;D
Not that I really believed this, it was very much a tongue in cheek reaction to the fact that most of these kids took the confirmation only because it was a family tradition or to get nice gifts, not because they actually believed in God or was interested in the Bible.

After their confirmation I was still the one with the deeper knowledge about the stories of the Bible and the life of Christ, but I guess that was mainly because I read it in the same way I read the books about Greek and Scandinavian mythology.

To this day, even if my views of things has changed in many ways, that is basically still my personal opinion about the bible. It's not more true or false than any other historical compilation of myths; first retold through verbal traditions, then written down, edited, corrected due to the time and fashion when it was written down then translated, corrected and rewritten again... then finally thanks to Gutenberg printed.

And to answer the introductory question: I was raised by parents baptized in the protestant Swedish (then) state church, and I'm baptized into that church too. I would however say that my family where and are very profane. My paternal grandparents left the church sometime in the early 80's, and my maternal grandparent whom I had a very close relation to never spoke about God, went to church (if it wasn't for a funeral or wedding or such) or listened to religious services at the radio or TV.
I learned the Paternoster prayer as a child as well as some other prayers, and I had a period when I was about 11 years old, when I really wanted to believe, but then I discovered all atrocities made in the name of God. Ever since then I have a quite complicated relationship to religion in general and churches and their followers in particular.
As I became older and hopefully a bit wiser I have reached the conclusion that I have no score to settle with Godâ„¢ (Or any god for that matter) or even to a less extent with Jesus (if any of them do exist) but I definitively have a bone or two to pick with some of the Apostles, especially Paul (darn misogynist :snark: ) and with a lot of intolerant priests, bishops, popes and preachers...


1. If someone offered you a TV show, would you take them up on it?  What would it be like (drama/comedy/news/talk/something else)?
No, probably not, I'm camera shy. Radio talk show would be fun though.

2. Have you ever written a song or poem about a person you know/knew?
Yes, I wrote a poem about my SO.

3. Aisle or window?  Why?
Window. What's the fun if you don't get to look out?

Bonus question: do you consider yourself "analog" or "digital"?
Analog, very much so.


1) Cameras: digital, Polaroid, slide film or paper copies from celluloid?

2) Red wine, white wine, beer or water?

3) Vacation time: lie at the beach, hiking in the mountains or explore a new city?

What are you / Re: What are you drinking?
July 26, 2007, 04:39:19 PM
Quote from: Agujjim on July 26, 2007, 03:41:48 PM
That and the double-X chromosome thing. ;)

The interesting part is that the similarities have to be environmental (i.e. mostly learned rather than genetic), but it's across widely different cultures. 

I found another very close cross-cultural personality match from South Korea as well...  but we are engaged. ;) 

So now we have to find our remaining CCPM's from other continents; shouldn't be hard, except for the penguin...  :mrgreen:

Edit: and I'm drinking tea.
Similarities are good but if you have too much in common I think it gets boring after a while, at least for the surroundings, couples that share on brain can be a tad bit irritating... ;)

My SO and I are different enough to make things interesting, I guess that's part of the reason we are still together after 14 years.
With friends is is a whole other ball game, I have a very dear friend who probably are who I would be if I was born with an XY set up and not XX.  :)
What are you / Re: What are you drinking?
July 26, 2007, 03:21:06 PM
And no egg whites for me... I certainly don't need to bulk up.

That's one of the main reasons I'm pretty sure I'm not your long lost clone... I have a completely different body type. :D
What are you / Re: What are you drinking?
July 26, 2007, 01:10:47 PM
Home made raspberry and mango smoothy. :)
Gardening and Houseplants / Re: Container Gardening
July 26, 2007, 12:44:47 AM
That's the Ipomea (morning glory). It has been so rainy and cold it hasn't bloomed much, but it keeps growing and right now it is full of flower buds. :D
1) Do you think that forgiveness is part of being humble?
Yes and no, I think is is someting to strive for, but I don't think it is in the human nature to be able to completely forgive and forget.

2) Is there anything you would judge to be unforgivable?
Yes, a few things. I think what one is able to forgive is and has to be someting very personal.

3) Which better suits you: "Forgive and Forget" or "Live and Learn"?
The later, my live has thought me to learn by my misstakes and then move on.


1) If you for one day could become another human being who would that be, and why?

2) If you for one day could become any animal what animal would that be, and why?

3) If you had the choose to either spend a month in a spacecraft and on a spacestation or a month at a underwater research station what would you choose and why?
Gardening and Houseplants / Re: Container Gardening
July 25, 2007, 10:00:06 PM
As promised pics of my balcony:

And a added bonus a pic taken in my mothers garden in June:

Food / Re: Food and habbits
July 25, 2007, 02:29:20 PM
How hould I forget Cheese!? :o

I guess I take it for granted! Such a thing as a breakfast wtihout cheese doesn't exist in my world! :D
Food / Food and habbits
July 25, 2007, 01:46:48 PM
Most people are creatures of habbit.
Is there any foodstuff you are mor or less addicted to?

To me it's orange juice, if I don't get my orange juice in the morning I simply won't wake up properly. :D
And It's not all about the fruit sugar (my loving SO did the shopping for me and brought home some juice with tangerine, apple and something more, it wasn't such a hit) for me it's about the orange taste.

I also have garlic cravings :o .But not for breakfast and not every day.

Food / Re: Cooking with Chilli pepper
July 25, 2007, 01:32:48 PM
Quote from: Bluenose on July 25, 2007, 12:45:28 PM
Hi, I'm Bluenose and I'm a chilli head.  It all started with me mum's chilli con carne (probably not as good a Chatty's one, but you have to start somewhere).  Then I joined the Royal Australian Navy and travelled through a fair bit of south east Asia.  The more different kinds of chilli sauces and dished with chilli in them them more I liked them.  Fresh chillied mudcrab is one of life's truly great experiences.

I have quite a few different chilli sauces and other chilli like spices in my pantry/refrigreator.  Can't imagine cooking without chilli, it would be worse than not having garlic.

Have you tried chilli chocolate?  There is a chocolate house not too far from here that makes an 80% dark chocolate with a chilli centre that is simply fabulous.  Not for the faint hearted, though!

It's jummy!

The SO and I used to make chocolat/ancho chili fugde. I should remember him that we need to take up that habbit...

Food / Re: Cooking with Chilli pepper
July 24, 2007, 11:14:39 PM
Quote from: Agujjim on July 24, 2007, 10:59:09 PM
  Sometimes if I haven't got my spicy fix I'll just eat frozen habaneros...  can we have habanero ice cream? ;D

Try this; take some habanero peppers remove the seeds through a cut on the side (a bit tricky but makes it look much nicer), leave the stem in place, fill with Mango or Passionfruit sherbet, dip in melted dark chocolate. Indulge. :)
Food / Cooking with Chilli pepper
July 24, 2007, 10:47:36 PM
Hi my name is Darlica and I'm a chili head... ;D

I thought it could be a good idea to start a thread about cooking with chili since we stumbled in to that area in the gardening forum.

Good fresh chili is sometimes hard to find over here so at any given time there are between 10 and 15 kinds of hot chilli sauces in my frigde and  thai pepper in the frezzer.

My current favorite food that includes chili would be Thai squid and chili salad.

The oddest thing I have tasted so far that contained chili is my SOs habanero vodka... :o

How about you?

Gardening and Houseplants / Re: Container Gardening
July 24, 2007, 10:19:22 PM
Quote from: Kiyoodle the Gambrinous on July 24, 2007, 09:45:44 PM

And don't worry, I won't try anything inappropriate, I'm not spoken, but I'm not someone, who would try anything against will... ;D

I was joking, I wrote "you'll have to earn it" and realised that could be interpreted in several differen ways so I jestingly added the "not that way" part.

Sorry if I came across as rude it wasn't my intention. :-[
Gardening and Houseplants / Re: Container Gardening
July 24, 2007, 09:10:15 PM
Quote from: Agujjim on July 24, 2007, 07:34:18 PM
Here's a few pics of the balcony, complete with Porch Monster Venus.
There's more there than meets the eye because I've arranged them to hide some of the uglier containers.

I still can't get a good shot of the climbing bean vines due to a bright background.

Lovely balcony! Do you have any room to sit down or are you using it exclusivly to grow plants? Some summers I have had plants all ower mine with just enough room for a small stool.

Quote from: AgujjimA cleaver too..?  You ARE my clone!

This is starting to get a bit spooky.  But, yes a no name brand from the local chinese shop. Chops meat and bones (and finger tips) like butter. :)