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Messages - Darlica

Snark and Rant / Re: Ouch that hurt
August 08, 2007, 03:41:35 PM
Quote from: Opsanus tau on August 08, 2007, 03:02:41 PM

Life is a juggling act. There really ought to be more circus music.

Can I quote you on this? :D

And I won't just sling another name at him, we have a person that really is a racist and even say so her self. :( She is extremely hostile against Romany people and people from the middle east... I bite my tongue every time she call for backup but I still go, because I have to. :-\
Snark and Rant / Re: Ouch that hurt
August 08, 2007, 02:12:54 PM
Quote from: Pachyderm on August 08, 2007, 01:34:37 PM
Sorry that you are upset about this, but as far as I see, the problem lies with your co-worker.

Perhaps you could speak to your manager, but don't put it from a "he hurt my feelings" point of view. As you said, you expected back up when you signalled, which he failed to provide. Make that the issue. Ask never to be on the same shift as him. Your boss, if they are any good, will ask why the support wasn't given, both of you, and of him. That's when you explain the situation, let the boss sort it out. That's why they get the bigger salary...

I have already talked to the boss, all she said was " have you talked to him? -yes, "well, then it's settled, there is no use to blow things like this out of proportions". :-\

Our shop is too small to ask for us not be on the same shift now and then. Also, in general he's a nice guy, and he's good at his job.
I'm going to talk to him about this again, tell him who he actually should take a closer look at (yes, we have a few people around with questionable values among them an old lady) if he wants to question why the bell rings for backup... >:(

I would have been much more worried and prone to make a big fuss about things if he was a racist
Snark and Rant / Ouch that hurt
August 08, 2007, 01:15:04 PM
Yesterday at work I got accuse of being a racist... by a coworker...  :(

(As I mentioned before I work part time in a booze and wine shop and in Sweden we have a alcohol monopole, so there are only one chain of government supervised shops that are allowed to sell beverages with more than 3% alcohol)

Now, getting accusations like that thrown at you from customers isn't that unusual. If you deny someone of non Scandinavian extraction to shop because they can't show a ID that confirm that they are of age (20 years old) it's basically the first thing you hear... I even got it from a 27 year old Asian woman just because I asked her for ID... I swear she didn't look to be a day over 16! But thinking so was obviously racist of me...

Now I can shrug that of, the customers doesn't know me, I'm just another uniform working for the man to them, but getting to hear it from someone I worked with several days a week for the whole summer... It made me really sad.

The background story was that I was alone at the cashier's desk when three people entered the store. I recognized one of the as a person on of my bosses told me to keep my eyes on because they might try to shoplift... Now as the good little minion I am at work, I did what I'm told and ringed the bell that signals "more staff on the floor stat!" and it so happens that these three men where all very dark skinned...

My coworker came out of the storage area took one look at the entourage and went back inside, telling another of my coworkers that I was a racist, "ringing the bell just because three black guys entered the shop"...
She told me when I got of my cashier spell and got to the storage area.

I confronted my coworker as soon he came in to the storage too. Telling him that I just did what I was told to do by a boss, and that skin colour has noting to do with it at least not from my part, and that I expected him to actually stay on the floor next time I called for backup. [mad]

I guess I wanted a " I'm sorry, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions! But all I got was "umm, ok."

I have always been the one refusing to to treat people differently because of colour, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or looks in general. I have however been threatened and shouted at by skinheads and called a lot of degrading things because I tend to stand my ground and tell people my opinion, also my henna red hair triggers stupid reactions. But I never expected this.

I'm still sad. I thought I could shake it of but it seems harder than I thought. :(

What are you / Re: What are you drinking?
August 06, 2007, 09:32:20 PM

I'm sipping in a glass of white wine...
I work weekends so Monday is a part of my weekend.
I bought a bottle of a new (to us in Sweden) Argentinian (Gamela, Torrontes, 2007, Cafayate ,Bodegas Felix Lavaque).

It's nice, very nice for it's price range. It has a generous citrus flavour, a light mineral tone and manage to be fruity without becoming too sweet and perfume like.
1. Where is the line between kinky and I would never do this in my life for you?
Play with blood and other body fluids/excrement.

2. Do you think gin-tonic is a good drink for a long bus-drive?
Not if you are going to drive... otherwise, I guess so, I would prefer something with a little more fruit taste like a gin and grapefruit juice, or why not, 2/3 Cava or champaign, 1/3 sloe gin.

3. You and a person of the opposite sex are the last people on earth and need to preserve mankind. Who would you wish this person would be?
My SO.

Bonus: Where does genius stop and madness begin?
on the other side of a very thin line...


1) Whiskey: Scottish single malt, Scottish blended, Irish single malt, Irish blended, bourbon or I wouldn't touch that vile thing with a ten foot pole!

2) Why (the see above)?

3) Candy: sweet, salt, sour or gimme, gimme gimme!  ;)
What are you / Re: What are you drinking?
August 03, 2007, 07:03:45 PM
Quote from: Agujjim on August 03, 2007, 03:13:51 PM

Heh, you know the Hedgehog song? ;)

Not sure about that, do you mean "the hedgehog can't be buggered at all" song?  ;D
I love to learn any song about hedgehogs, I love the little critters... I even draw my SO as one (I'm a plush rat). PM me.

Drinking: Tea, Blackcurrant this time.
What are you / Re: What are you drinking?
August 03, 2007, 07:32:38 AM
Quote from: Kiyoodle the Gambrinous on August 02, 2007, 10:32:04 PM

I understand that... :)

As a Czech, I can relate to that.... :)

Not drinking anything at the moment, as I had a few beers (only seven) and a few shots of slivovitz (only five), so now I'm just chilling...

Mmmmm, slivovitz...

That stuff is dangerous...  It makes me sing indecent little drinking songs... And I don't sing well... :toasted:

And I'm drinking Tea right now English Breakfast blend.
What are you / Re: What are you drinking?
August 02, 2007, 09:37:45 PM
Italian "Prinz lager"

Picked it up at a local supermarket, It's not bad but I still prefer Czech Pils. :toasty:
Spirituality / Re: General question to all siblings...
August 02, 2007, 12:52:34 PM
Quote from: Sibling Chatty on August 02, 2007, 05:06:19 AM
As the closest thing here to a traditional Christian...

Hell, NOT Gehenna, but eternal separation from the Face of God. if you don't believe in God, that really shouldn't bother you much, right? How do you go to a Hell you don't believe in?

The great thing about the Great Unknown is that it's Unknown. No matter who tells you they KNOW, because Their Bible Says So...what their Bible says is a bunch of liberally mistranslated hearsay, speculation and projection.

Next person that hits you with the Hell thing, ask if they're Pre-Millenialist  Post-Millenialist or Om-Millenialist. then ask why. By the time they've dredged their brain for a few hours to answer that, you can be MILES away.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :devil2:

I think I love you... :hug:

1. Is the ideal male or female nude more well-proportioned (ignore the face)?
I think it's draw.

2. What's the most elegant animal (and what the least) in your opinion?

Horses can be elegant... but I think I have to say it's the Leopard/Panther since it manage to look relaxed and graceful at the same time.

3. What's the most unconventional movie you have seen?

I think it's still "Prospero's Books" by Peter Greenaway.


1) What is your favorite colour?

2) What are you most fascinated of: water, fire, metal, stone, wood, glass?

3) Your favorite pudding/dessert?

Non of the above...

I have had all four wisdom teeth removed, they was pressing on my other teethes causing pain. Owww.

And my nose is, um, well, sort of, majestic.  ;)

Otherwise I look pretty normal.., :P
Useless Speculation / Re: My dream car(s) is/are:
July 30, 2007, 10:09:16 PM
You have a SUV! *pokes Agujjim with a stick*

I don't see the Bible as a problem either, as you say it's in the interpretation and in it's status an an document of truth not a compilation of Myths.

I'm using the Bible as an example because it's the religious document I'm most familiar with even though I have read large parts of the Koran and have read a fair amount of with part of Hindu and Buddhism religious history and myths as well. I guess if I had another religious background I would use that religion as a main frame for my view of this (you know, the context is everything! ;) )!

I'm not saying that Christianity is worse than other religions but it's not better either. If I was a Muslim, Jewish or a Hindu I would certainly have bones to pick with the religious leaders of my kind, dead and living, much in the same manner I feel about Paul and others I mentioned above, but as it is now I leave those and pounder about the ones that play the most important part in my frame of cultural references.

In a way this discussion also bleed in to another of my pet pewees; the reason that I can't find a religion/church neither a political movement that I'm able to take an active interest in.
I don't like to mix religion (or spirituality if you so prefer) with politics.
But wherever I turn I see religion becoming political and politics becoming something of an religious movement to the people involved.

I guess it's human nature, wanting to rule others in one way or another, but I don't like it. That's the reason I like to see my self as a humanistic bystander in these matters...

:irony: Hmm. maybe I should found my own church... :irony:

Useless Speculation / Re: My dream car(s) is/are:
July 30, 2007, 08:58:16 PM
Quote from: Sibling Zono (anon1mat0) on July 30, 2007, 07:38:05 PM
Don't you get Subarus up there? We got a nice station wagon that isn't a gas guzzler as a regular SUV or 4x4 (I found this one for Sweden). Or perhaps a Suzuki Jimny;)

If I was sure the Subaru would actually stay in one piece even after the last date of the two year warranty I'll think about I'm but I'm not...
I did own a Toyota some years ago, and we have a Nissan in the family that runs excellent so Asian cars is not out of question in any way.

And I don't want an SUV darn it! I wouldn't be caught dead in one! :snark:
I said "the old type that actually are designed to take on challenging road conditions" *grumble, grumble, rant* 

;) ;D
Useless Speculation / Re: My dream car(s) is/are:
July 30, 2007, 06:22:07 PM
When I was younger I used to want one of these:

Now days I would be very happy if I could find a less environment hostile station wagon, than the one I have (a Renault Laguna 98) that I actually could afford to buy.

I also have a love affair with cars like Landrover (the old type that actually are designed to take on challenging road conditions) and Toyota Land cruisers... But I have no reason to drive such a gas gulping monster most of the time. :(
I have to do some driving under bad winter conditions every year and I would love to have four wheel drive.