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Messages - Darlica

Miscellaneous Discussion / Re: When's Your Birthday?
August 22, 2007, 10:03:42 PM
I'm a Tiger! Rraaaaawwr! ;D

Don't ask me what kind of Tiger though (wood, metal ...) I have read it but I guess I forgot two minutes later. :-[
All Things Piratey! / Re: Fleet Registry
August 19, 2007, 11:17:22 AM
Ahoy anyone hierin'?

I'm a lass with good kithen skills (no fisheadstews though), I can also write (a littlebit), and know many ways t' use a cleaver (I still have me own, it's always tucked in t' belt). I know a fair bit about sailin' and I ain't afraid t' fight, actually I'm prone t' pick fights with grumpy roughnecks but as a any good captain you'll know how t' use that (it's very good for connin'). 

I got tossed overboard in a fight over at me old ship together with t' Captain... She got aft on board, but I got rescued by some fishermen (after havin' t' show some leg t' convince them I wasn't a mermaid) If they miss me they fetch me I'll leave a message here in Portsmouth for t' Monk. T' Monk he was nowhere t' be seen durin' t' figth, I guess he's still aboard, they all fear his explodin' kitchamajigs in t' gally so he be allstarboard.

With hopes o' a swift reply."

Yours Arrghly!

Darla Deadwaters
Human Concerns / Re: Respect for the Aged
August 19, 2007, 12:33:39 AM

Kanaloa, in my browser my posts are marked 113 and 114 I directed you to the later post so you could see where he may have got the "I was told to be more 'serious'" idea from. I should have expressed my self clearer. I'm sorry, my bad. :(

Human Concerns / Re: Respect for the Aged
August 18, 2007, 08:42:36 PM
Quote from: Kanaloa the Squidly on August 18, 2007, 07:58:03 PM
I admit that I don't know what was told to you by our admin, but I highly doubt they said to be more serious. Because if that were so, we'd loose many people. And a monastery is nothing without its inhabitants.

I also agree with Mero. You can do little but lead by example, and to be what we want of the world is a step forward. You cannot reasonably force others to conform. That's fascism, I do believe.

I'm not a mod or admin in any way or form but that would be me in post #114 at the Trade agreements thread, read it and I think you will understand what I meant.

Miscellaneous Discussion / Re: When's Your Birthday?
August 18, 2007, 08:31:48 PM
I just found this thread.

November 3

Let's see, I'm born 1974 in November...
That would make me 32 for now.

If I mostly feel like I'm somewhere between 26 and 28, but there are days when I feel like 150 years old... and other when my inner child rules me completely. If I get to spend a day on my stomach watching bugs scamper around I'm one happy kid. :D
What are you / Re: What are you drinking?
August 18, 2007, 07:46:40 PM

And I blame it all on you Kiyoodle  ;D

Actually it's the first evening  of a week off for me and I felt like celebrating a little. :toast:
Can we have more of these stories?
Pretty pretty please? *puppy eyes*

I love the style and the tone of it and the humour. I wish I could write like that!
In some way it reminds me of the intro of one of my favourite movies: Big Lebowski.

Human Concerns / Re: Trade agreements...
August 18, 2007, 10:02:20 AM
Quote from: jjj on August 18, 2007, 09:04:56 AM

Stay clear of Thailand, because a friend of my brother was their two years ago, caught AIDS and now my brother got his ashes. At least hairs between fingers won't kill you!

Your horniness is non of our business neither the way you choose handle it.
Condolences to your brothers for his friend. However this sentence about Thailand and there by Thai people not only borders to racism, it crosses the bridges and burns them behind it.

Have you for one second considered that there may be Thai people present here?

This is not funny, at all. If you consider this funny please stick to being serious.

Human Concerns / Re: Trade agreements...
August 18, 2007, 09:49:39 AM
Quote from: jjj on August 18, 2007, 02:14:34 AM

QuoteThere are also many heterosexuals engaging in "activities" that I suppose you would classify as norm breaking... what do you call them?
Confused perv's!  ;D  Suffering from sexual disorientation/ perversion.
QuoteAlso, I have never heard about...
It's about time you hear about!   :D
You know, I hope you joke about this... However it is not funny.

Quote from: jjj on August 18, 2007, 02:14:34 AM
Quote..."muscle destruction" due to lesbian "activities" which are to be considered as homosexual "activities" since two people of the same sex are involved.   
That's, because they are missing the vital male bits and if they substitute them with objects, the result will be the same; albeit women's tissues are more flexible. Men have more muscles and women more flap.
Dear friend, Women do not miss vital male bits we have other vital bits! Sex does not equals penetration there is a lot of other things to it... For all sexes and couple constellations.

What are you / Re: What are you drinking?
August 17, 2007, 11:51:08 PM
ginger and lemon tea
Human Concerns / Re: Trade agreements...
August 17, 2007, 10:57:27 PM
Quote from: jjj on August 17, 2007, 02:53:45 PM
Quotethe members of the species that have the trait would die out
Another observation is that the human body is designed for heterosexual activities. Any other use/ abuse leads to bleeding and muscle destruction.

You are out on very deep water now my friend and from what I can tell by you posts you don't have the slightest clue on how to navigate them...

Are you aware that women can get irreparable damage to their genital area when raped. How does that fit in in your "human body is designed for heterosexual activities" theory?
(actually I'm of the opinion that rape has very little do with sex but that is entirely differnt can of worms)

There are also many heterosexuals engaging in "activities" that I suppose you would classify as norm breaking... what do you call them?

Also, I have never heard about any "muscle destruction" due to lesbian "activities" which are to be considered as homosexual "activities" since two people of the same sex are involved. ::)

Frankly, this line of arguments are as dumb as the old one that your brain will decay and you will grow hair on the palms of your hand if you masturbate! 

Damage to the body occur when one part isn't paying attention to the other for some reason, and that goes for all thinkable partner constellations. 


Human Concerns / Re: Respect for the Aged
August 17, 2007, 09:43:34 AM
First, the fact that you should not shake or hit a baby or a child, because it can end up creating brain damage is not or has anything to do with philosophy, it is neurology! That if anything discussed in these recent threads is a proven scientific fact.

And jjj I'm with Sibling chatty on the content/cow thing, and being one who refuses to be a sheep in a heard I'm not going to settle for being a content cow either...

I guess I'll just stick the goats for the time being.
Games and Jokes / Re: Word Association Game
August 16, 2007, 02:24:40 PM
Games and Jokes / Re: Word Association Game
August 15, 2007, 09:09:51 PM