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Messages - Darlica

Science / Re: Easy Questions?
September 24, 2007, 12:12:33 AM
I don't now, maybe Aggie can explain later he's the one with the Chemistry Fu. ;)

To me chemistry is a equivalent to magic...
And I shouldn't really be trusted with a magic for kids kit nor a chemistry for kids kit... ;D   
Science / Re: Easy Questions?
September 23, 2007, 05:56:50 PM
Usually it is the gluten protein, in combination with water.
(chemistry would be the really short answer) ;)

As I understand it water makes it possible for the gluten protein chains to attach to each other building gluten strands.  Fat inhibits the formation of long gluten strands that's why a "crusty" dough like a pastry or shortbread dough often has a higher fat content.
Science / Re: Implicit Association Tests
September 23, 2007, 05:42:16 PM
Interesting but I'm not sure about the method, I don't think this kind of test really becomes valid unless it's done in a lab environment.
I would also prefer spoken answers to buttons since IMHO most people have a dominant brain half and that will probably influence if your left or right hand is faster. That said I do agree with the results I got in the test (age).

However I think they missed a fairly basic psychological explanation in the "why do you think you got this result" section; if a person identifies easier with one of two groups, is is also very likely that this person would want the "good things" to be associated with the category identify him or her self with.

Serious Piratin' / Re: Where have all the pirates gone?
September 22, 2007, 10:23:50 AM
Quote from: DaveL on September 21, 2007, 10:28:45 PM

I saw Griffin at the pub. When she saw me in my pink dress, her cutlass was produced.

NOTE TO SELF: Don't try hugging wenches whenst wearing a pink dress.


Pets / Fun things your pet does
September 22, 2007, 10:10:24 AM
We have been reading about Chatty's little Spencer making the moves on the dog sitter, conning her on  frozen yoghurt and other delicious stuff.

What fun, disturbing or disturbingly fun things does your pet do?

Our late family dog, William, smiled. Yes, smiled. Every time I came to see my mother after I moved out he would be standing on the porch on his hind legs, yap like a puppy and show all his teeth in a big grin, while wagging his tail like crazy. No. not a pretty sight, but kind of cute, I wish we had video taped it but we never did.
First time I saw that it actually frightened me a bit (Irish Terriers have a lot of teeth, cosy and snuggly as they may look with their mouths shut ;) ), mostly because I couldn't read that mixed message. It sort of reminded why one shouldn't smile widely when greeting a unfamiliar dog... 

He also learned how to simulate hiccup when we were eating or preparing something he coveted, like grilled chicken or smoked salmon...  ::) :D
I really miss him, it's almost two and a half year since he past away and it still brings tears in my eyes to think about him, it brings a big grin too but still.

Ludvig the present family dog, who also lives mostly with my mother, is still to young to fully have developed any odd behaviours, but his working on it. He's far to smart for his own good (just like his mother who among other things masters the art of opening doors)! I suspect I will have more stories to tell about him as time pasts. :)


Some dogs just has IT. Especially more independent dogs with their own ideas about the things. They can con about any thing form anyone. :) William our late family dog was a right down lady killer ;) and Ludvig the present one is working on his reputation but his to young to be really smooth player yet... ::) :D

Hugs for you and smooches for Spencer, you brought a smile on face this morning too! Thank you!
What are you / Re: What are you planning?
September 21, 2007, 10:45:04 PM
Yay! I got it right! ;)

Well, I'm also making plans for tomorrow. I'm going to see a friend I haven't seen since April. :)
What are you / Re: What are you planning?
September 21, 2007, 08:27:33 PM
I'm planning my move, I went to the landlord and signed the termination ( ? I don't know the right word for this) of my leasing contract for the flat. I'll officially move out the 31 January 08.
Serious Piratin' / Re: Where have all the pirates gone?
September 21, 2007, 12:15:27 PM
Quote from: Kiyoodle the Gambrinous on September 21, 2007, 01:08:36 AM
Oi've 'eard there be sum pinchin' goen around 'ere.

Don't tell me, you 'ave started without I?

Nice décolletage t'ere, Darlica...

Well aren't ye' a frisky little crustacean!  ;) :D

All rightee more hugs, but Oi start to get a wee bit tired in t' arms...
Announcements / Re: New Toadfish Shop!
September 21, 2007, 12:07:55 PM
There's a lot of nice things in the shop, unfortunately I'm not in a good place economically right now so shopping has to wait. :(

One :hug: for you, and one :hug: for the Silly Schnauzer!

I know it isn't very nice of me but you and Spencer has made me laugh out loud twice to day and I really needed that laugh...
I wish I could send you both a treat. :)
Miscellaneous Discussion / Re: Artistic molecules
September 21, 2007, 11:38:59 AM
I want!


I have always liked weird jewellery, this is fun, weird and beautiful to bad I'm broke. But I'm going to save the link.

Thank you Chatty!
What are you / Re: What are you wearing?
September 20, 2007, 05:20:50 PM
An over sized, knitted cotton and silk sweater and black cargo pants.
Serious Piratin' / Re: Where have all the pirates gone?
September 20, 2007, 05:14:14 PM
Well Admiral Benbow's sofa corner be quite roome... What kind o' wench would Oi be if Oi didn't ask ye' t' come and sit with us!  ;)


Current Events / Re: UF student tasered by the police.
September 20, 2007, 04:46:59 PM
The Police mostly does a wonderful job protecting the ordinary Joe's and Mary's from all kinds of scary people, that non of us would like to deal with if we had the choice, no question about that.

But one still has to be able to question decisions like taseing a student or any other person who might be disruptive, obnoxious and even a bit aggressive, as long as the said person doesn't has a weapon, or are a serious threat to anyone.
I would have liked to hear what the officers said and how they reasoned before they choose to intervene.

As I understand it the person who got taserd on the Florida University is a known prankster who likes to make a ruckus and the post the resulting movies on YouTube...  I don't agree with that kind of behaviour either, it's a bit like the story about "the boy who cried Wolf", but it is nothing that should result in this kind of police action IMHO.