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Messages - Darlica

Spirituality / Re: The Language of Sprituality
October 29, 2007, 11:39:41 AM
Quote from: Opsanus tau on October 28, 2007, 02:58:49 PM
So how can we make clear that we are not condoning any religion and that we aren't a cult?
Funny, I was cross-examining Aggi about that using another forums PM function before I registered here...
:pokestick: :D
Maybe we should continue the part of this discussion that is about the Monastery elsewhere?

And not let Opsa threadjack her self...

Duck-Tape is good!
You can mend almost anything with it, and it make a good improvised pressure bandage.
I always had two rolls of it in my car...

Wonder if that's the reason my SO jokes with me saying I pack like I'm preparing for the end of the world. ::)

I think one has to decide if to go low-tech style or military style. Military style is the easy route but most people at least in Europe doesn't have access to any kind of guns or rifles.
It's easier to make a crossbow than a rifle but it is slow and is probably best used as a defence weapon when holding an building for example. Battle slingshots is another easy to make weapon, it's not the most effective one but it beats throwing stuff by hand... Excellent for primitive home made hand grenades.

I think looking at mediaeval warfare would give a few good ideas about weapons and techniques for a low-tech battle.   
*elevates eyebrows*

I should be folding my clean laundry and put it where it's supposed to be... and about five other things on my to do list. ::)

Politics / Re: Does Terrorism Work?
October 28, 2007, 10:44:28 AM
I think that depends very much on three things:

1) How do you define the act of terrorism?

2) Who is a terrorist? A desperate man trying to hijack a plane with a knife, a network of like-minded, a state?
For example can a state be guilty of terrorism? If so, only towards other states or also towards it's own people?

3) What is the context, the goal of the terror act?

It is a very complicated subject (and a inflamed one) and the answers depends very heavily on how you choose to formulate your questions and your definitions.

I suggest you start of with making a definition of what an act of terrorism is. Then make a definition of who could be called a terrorist and why.

Check your definitions against others, a couple of dictionary's would probably do as reference source you can also depending on how advanced you would like to be use us here as a focus group and interview us about how we define terror. I suppose real first name and nationality and printouts of the interviews and a URL to the monastery would be required to make it an acceptable source.

However when you have your definition, you choose a couple of cases that fits your definition study them and see if they were successful. 

Good Luck! :)

Trashophilia Cinematica
Thank you Swato! :mrgreen:
All right a good bike for transportation and some sort of fencing outfit/armour in kevlar for protection but the weapons?  A bolt-action rifle is noisy and it needs bullets and a katana/sword are as you said hard to use.

I suggest the use of crossbows the arrows can easily be modified to make great damage making them heavy and blunt for crushing or with wide rotating sharp heads for maximized wound channels.

I also suggest the use of Naginata "sword on a stick" a type of fighting scythe tradionally used by women and monks in feodal Japan.
It is easy to use has excellent range and can be used to block an aggressors cut as well as cut of heads and stabbing.

I also think that fire extinguishers with liquid nitrogen can be handy. Freezing should slow them down and make them more fragile and easier to kill. There is also less risk for collateral damage than with a flame-thrower (freeze=slows down stands still, set on fire=runs around setting other things and people on fire).


Don't ask me why I know the things I know or think the way I think, some of my friends think I'm scary, I know waaay to much about weapons, poisonous plants, and killing in general... :o:D

What are you / Re: What are you drinking?
October 27, 2007, 12:25:47 PM
PG Tips tea.
But she be used to Glomping! ;D

Watch out Captain J, we might not 'ave catlasses, but we do 'ave an elephant around 'ere!
And beware o' Captain Meros peg leg!  ;)
Spirituality / Re: The Language of Sprituality
October 27, 2007, 10:58:47 AM
Quote from: Sibling Zono (anon1mat0) on October 27, 2007, 05:33:17 AM
Am I getting semantic on this one?  :-X

Maybe, but you managed to say exactly what I wanted to say but had trouble to word. :)

Thank you!
I don't think I match any of them very well.

I have a bit of a lot of them some Eeyore, Kanga, and Owl and on really :catroll: days even some Pooh. ;)
Site Content / Re: Additions to the Smilies thread
October 25, 2007, 05:16:26 PM
It's the same hat silly!
What matters is how you wear it, one bell pointing forward "therapist hat" two bells pointing forward "jesters cap"  ::)

Site Content / Re: Additions to the Smilies thread
October 24, 2007, 04:32:48 PM
I think it is supposed to be a cat! But it does look much more like a gerbil or a guinea pig.  :o

I intend to use it as a symbol of general silliness.  :D
Snark and Rant / Re: Snark/rant
October 18, 2007, 08:54:43 PM
*appears from behind the corner hits Sibling Lambicus over the head with a big pillow*


I have showed my flat to prospective new tenants today I needed to blow of some steam...
:snark: :headbang: :pokestick: :duh:

Ahhh, thank you!
Science / Re: The spinning lady
October 17, 2007, 01:10:46 AM
No. That is your brain "loading". Hang on to those pauses try figure out what you do to cause them, then do it again. :)

It is an optical illusion, the direction and speed is due to the watchers brain, and the wiring there in.  ;)