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Messages - Bob in a quantum-state-of-faith

Good News ! / Re: New Kitty!
July 22, 2015, 01:03:44 AM
I'm sorry if someone doesn't have facebook, they won't be able to see--but anyone else, there he is.
Good News ! / New Kitty!
July 22, 2015, 12:57:44 AM
As many of you know, I lost my 17 year old Galileo a little more than a week ago.  I was grieving and headed into depression.  So, yesterday, I went down and got a new Kitty.  They called him the unimaginative "Smokey" but I'll come up with something more clever, as his personality comes out.

Here he is:

Edit:  .... meh... I cannot get this stupid SMF thing to accept a photo from my computer, for some odd reason, and I have totally forgot how I did it in the past...

If you want to see the new kitty's face?  You'll have to go to Facebook, where I have a couple.   Sorry about that.

Hmmm... how about a direct link to Facebook?
Pets / Re: Automatic Cat Litter Boxes
July 22, 2015, 12:44:24 AM
My Litter Robot is, what-- 7 years old?  Or thereabouts.  It is still up and running.  I've modded it some-- added a suction fan, which draws air in through the little holes in the step-- across the litter being held in the bottom pan, and then out the window. 

This quickly dries out any freshly used litter in the holding pan, and the smell is non-existent.  I used a small fan from a computer's cooling thingy.   You can just feel the air going into the holes, with the back of your hand.  It's all but noiseless.
Pets / Re: Automatic Cat Litter Boxes
July 06, 2015, 03:28:26 AM
This is an old thread. 

I had one of those hydraulic litter boxes-- was a real pain to get my kitties to use the pellets, but eventually they did.  Alas, it only lasted about a year, and the main motor died.  Place was long since out of business, so it was junk.

I subsequently bought a Litter Robot, which has been amazing.  I'm still using it--or rather, the cat is/was (well, up until last Friday.. *sigh* )

I'll completely clean it up, for the next batch of cats, however.  It's still going strong after many years.
I seriously hope they have that monster TV securely fastened to the wall-- a tumble of that scope, onto little kidlet, will not be pretty.
Nicely done!
We live in Interesting Times, for sure.

Back before the Intertubes?  We got our "news" filtered for our "protection".   Sure, the Journalists had more integrity back then, but they had their blind spots and biases too.  Maybe not as obvious as some we see today.

But with the Al Gore's Intertubes?  We can look, if we want, to any part of the globe for news of What's What.

And we see that mostly, What's What is humans are still busy killing each other over the stupidest and most trifling of reasons:
  "Never rub the blue belly-button jelly clockwise you heretic!"

Will this ever change?  I certainly hope so! 

Ironically these self-same InterTubes can help with that-- by exposing people to new ideas, different than their own.  Such exposure tends to make them more tolerant of those counter-clockwise belly-rubbing heathen.

Meantime?  We have more killings...

... what worries me?  Is the invention of cheap mass conversion. 

Yes, I mean as an energy source-- that little E=MC2 stuff. 

The human race isn't mature enough for such a liberation of energy-- with cheap mass conversion?  Those little clockwise-only natives could not only blow up the anti-clockwise tribe next door?  But their entire country and everyone else along with... !!!

Miscellaneous Discussion / Re: Happy New 2015!
January 01, 2015, 06:51:28 AM
Happy New Year, all you heathens! 


The transition moment was accompanied by several shots fired from my neighbor's houses.   I always cringe; fortunately, they were not accompanied by the wail of an ambulance, so I guess nobody got hurt.  ::)

May 2015 bring everyone more joy, and less stress. 

I got "humanism".

But, the test was flawed, in my opinion-- as others have already noted, too many of the questions I wanted to say "none of the above" or fill in my *real* answer.  So I picked one at random in some cases, or a distant 3rd choice (as first and second were missing).

I took that same quiz the other day on Facebook, and deliberately tried to force a particular outcome.  I found the more I took it, the easier this became.

It's a silly game, I suppose-- too shallow. 
Yesterday (Monday, Dec 29) it was not that bad-- hovering around 43F/6C.  The high was around 55ish/13C.

As I was reading the latest (to me) comments?  I had me a look at my weather panel (yes, I have a geeky weather panel that gives temperature, pressure, and relative humidity--inside and out.

Temp outside is a chilly 30F/-1C.  Humidity is a wet 76% outside, but a dry 21% inside.  I've got a rising pressure graphic, indicative of possible rain?  If the humidity remains high, that is.

It's been gloomy since Dec 21, but Monday (yesterday) the Sun showed her lovely face for the first time in days and days.  

Kitty was perched on his "Lookin' outside at the backyard, Feelin' the warm sunny" place.

Or?  Purrrfect Weather for a CatNap.  

Give Amazon UK a call.  With some effort, you can locate their phone number-- I cannot do that here, as you must log in to see numbers in the .COM site, so I presume the .UK site is like that too.

In any case-- talk to them about your issues.  They might be able to help.

Regardless-- you always have 30 days to return.
Quote from: Griffin NoName on November 30, 2014, 01:04:13 AM
Amd it's taken me about an hour to delete about 45,000 files............... <sigh>

Delete files?  Heresy!  

Don't you know that you are never supposed to do that-- you are supposed to get ever-increasing-in-size hard drives instead.



Quote from: Bluenose on December 01, 2014, 05:32:25 AM
Yeah, I've always maintained that if you scratch the surface of Windows hard enough DOS is still there...   :mrgreen:

Yes, indeed.  One of the things I rather like about it, actually... ::)

Android has this too-- but you must root your device, and install a Linux-like terminal thingy.  An arcane set of spells I never learned.

But DOS?  I still occasionally dream about the ancient DOS incantations... 
The collections are something Kindles have had for many years now.  It's basically grouping your books by categories you select-- since there is no automatic add to any of these manually-created categories?  (you add new books one at a time) ((assuming the category is brand-new.. see below))

They can be anything you desire:  

  cooking with tofu, ancient Egyptian mummy stories, not for children's books, political novels, facts about the Loch Ness, books to put me to sleep


I've been using the collections as a nice way to force Kindle to group all titles in the order of publication (within a collection) and by author's last name first, then first name.  

In short?  I have a collection for each author I own (plus a few general catch-alls), and within that, I group the books according to the best reading order (usually by publication date, but not always).  

I have named each collection LastName, FirstName MI

Thus, they sort correctly according to the Library Rules I learned.  (laffin)  Most are fiction, naturally.

The nice thing about that?  Everything is stored in the cloud-- if your device suddenly develops a mind of it's own, and starts traveling to Try To Take Over The World?  Your replacement device, once activated, can download the previously created collection(s) from the cloud, and should (if all goes according to plan) automatically place the correct books into the correct categories. (Assuming you have done that at least once, and have allowed that device to sync at least once.)

Amazon finally put this code into their Android Kindle app a couple of years ago or so.  I had built my first one, 3 or 4 years back, on my now aging Kindle DX.  

Of course, the Android app uses a color graphic interface, with the book covers as largish icons-- there's ways to defeat that too, if that isn't to your liking, but it works well enough for me.

I do like browsing my collection-- not unlike roving over an actual dead-tree bookshelf...

There are ways to refill toner cartridges with just the black powder.  In a non-commercial use (such as what I do), the drum does not see appreciable wear, so refilling makes sense.  But not all are easy to do, and not all toner is the same--some of the knock-off stuff is pure junkware, and can ruin your whole day (and printer, too--not just the cartridge).

When my "test cartridge" ran out (the one the printer shipped with), I had a choice of two-- the difference was about 1/3 more, for far more than 2 times the expected print volume.  Since I do occasionally print for my work?  My boss kindly got me the larger one-- and I occasionally print out 8-10 pages for him, in lovely waterproof laser typeset.