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Topics - Gloria The Camel

Politics / So close...
January 19, 2009, 06:26:12 AM
Being so close to Obama taking over the reigns to the world, I'm curious;

Who believes that time will make him just another, annoying politician, and how fast do you think this will take to happen


Do people honestly believe he will be a positive change and stay true to his words, a new direction for the United States?
Spirituality / Are we born believing in God?
January 18, 2009, 10:50:05 PM

An interesting debate on BBC, when I read the title I thought "Oh god [excuse the pun], what a stupid argument!" But the more you think about it the more interesting it becomes...

p.s. did anyone else laugh when he said "By doing experiements wit little children" perhaps it's just me...
Politics / Hugo Chavez - Tyrant or Socialist saviour?
January 08, 2009, 02:52:03 PM
Being in Venezuela, I want to make a decision about Chavez, all my research prior to coming indicated that he was a good guy, a good man looking out for the poor in hsi country, and other countries (i.e. the cheap oil scheme for the USA), but so much says to the contrary. But because I will be staying the rich families here, the opinion of locals is fairly one sided.

Opinions? Comments? Articles?
Start Here, Please / :) Look! I'm a drifter!
January 07, 2009, 12:33:02 AM
I am back again, in and out as always, perhaps I shall stay a little longer this time. Hope you all remember me!

Since last time, hmm, I've progressed as a person, built political beliefs, philisophical beliefs, but a lot more to learn.

Look forward to talking to you all more!

P.s. One thing more that has changed, I no longer live in Australia, I've been given the once in a life time opportunity to live in Venezuela for 12 months as an exchange student, I will complete my education here. It's a very different world I live in here, I've been here only two days and I'm already amazed and overwhelmed.
Has anybody else been following this issue with Irans leader and the nuclear power.

Quote"Human rights are being extensively violated by certain powers," he said in his U.N. address. "Setting up secret prisons, abducting persons, trials and secret punishments without any regard to due process, extensive tappings of telephone conversations, intercepting private mail and frequent summons to police and security centers have become commonplace and prevalent."

What do you all think? The above quote really makes me question which are the dangerous powers of the world. The east in which we are told it is by governments or the West in which we are told by 'freedom fighters', also known as terrorists.

Should it be one country alowed to have nuclear power, all countries alowed? Or should certain countries be alowed and certain countires disalowed?

Human Concerns / Consumerism and Materialism.
September 24, 2007, 10:27:47 AM
Hey all, It has been a while since I've been here, I wonder who remembers me...Anyway, I'm a little more mature and ready for these sorts of discussions so we'll see how long I stay on the forums now!
Anyway, recently I've been forming opinions and starting to understand consumerism and materialism a little more. I wrote this article on it on my training blog. I do realise I repeat my self a lot though.

Anyway, here it is:

Over the past 200 years we have become, more than ever, slaves to consumerism. Middle class people driving themselves in to poverty and debt because they must have the latest lounge suite or a $10,000 handbag because it has a label. Why? Because you want a wealthy image. Can you not live without a handbag? Thousands of Australians are in huge debts before they are 30. These days we are all slaves to consumerism and technology.

How many of you people would be able to put away your computer and the Internet after 10 years of using it and never need it again? That's a big ask. Especially if you put in with it television, mobile phones, mp3 players etc. But to us we don't just need all these things, we need the best of these things, or should I say, the one with the best name to it and we crave them. How many of us have bought an iPod simply because it was an iPod. I know I was attracted to mine for that reason. How many of you wear Adidas shoes where a pair of Pumas would do? Or bought Billabong because you wanted people to think you were 'surfy'? I buy Billabong all the time when best and less would be fine.

No longer do we buy things for our survival, but rather because we have been trained to think that we need them, that we cannot survive without a television or a Rolex. Clothing A will suit survival purposes just as much as clothing B. But, we feel we need to pay $100 for a t-shirt rather than $10.

Now, I understand that we all live comfortable lives as we are! Personally I do not want to give away the computer or television. But next time I go shopping, I sure as hell am going to think as to why I am buying the Adidas shoes for $200 more than another pair. If it is because of quality and fit then sure, I'll buy them. But why pay that much more for a brand if a cheaper version would do just fine?

In our modern world we are built around image, the image you create for yourself by what you wear, drive, drink, listen to, even what we eat. Instead of thinking "what actions will help others, be useful and create a good reputation for myself" we think "what brand will make me popular, in style, and look good". And whilst we hate to think it, we are paying brand names to advertise them. When you buy a Nike shirt, you pay them money to show everyone else their logo! Shouldn't they be paying us?

What we need is an anarchists revolution. What is that you say? Anarchy is bad? Lawless? Every man for himself? No. Not at all. Anarchy simply means without dominance. It is a state of being free. Basically it means living free with mutual co-operation and aid, working together and not being exploitative or authoritative. Unlike what our governments have taught us, it is not a state of chaos and it is not an economic or political platform. In the simplest way put anarchy is thinking for yourself. Not giving in to the 'band wagon' or following what everyone else is doing.
We wouldn't have the need to give in to brand names that are 'superior' to others, as they say anyway.
Even better than anarchy, green anarchy! Basically it is not just believing that we are slaves to government, but also what I have been saying above! Marketing, consumerism, materialism, technology, all these things that bind our lives!
I wont go in to any more detail, if you want more information on anarchy visit

Whilst we do not want to believe it, we are slaves to consumerism and technology. Brainwashed by advertising, brainwashed to think that we need these things. Perhaps, if you see sense in what i have written, you should test yourself. I know I am a slave, I am trying to break that piece by piece. For the next few days I will be sleeping on the floor. Why do I need my $500 bed? I'm happy on the floor. A simple test to see if I can survive without the level of comfort I am accustomed to. Maybe you should try it, think up of something to test yourself, help break you from this consumerism.

Next time you go to spend money, think about it, do you need the product? Is there a cheaper option? Are you just buying it for the brand name?

Our forefathers fought war, depression and disease. Our fight is a different one. One much closer to home, and much more frightening. We face a fight against ourselves. We fight against weapons you cannot see and do not feel. We fight the companies, faceless brands consuming our lives. In an age where a child will recognise the McDonald's arches but not quality or practicality, we must stand up and fight in this silent war.

Fight back.

AKA Gloria The Camel
AKA TraceurCamel

Opinions? Crits?
I was curious to know what makes me feel like such an idiot on this forum (tis why I left last time) and I came to the conclusion that most of you are half a centuary older than me. I'm 15.
Useless Speculation / I'll never die until I...
November 05, 2006, 10:54:02 AM
Do a backsault (backflip). I WILL do a backsault (backflip). On solid ground not trampolines, by all gods and dieties I will do one.  8) 8) 8)
It shouldn't be to hard, just practice at the gym. Easy!