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Topics - anthrobabe

Miscellaneous Discussion / Robonaut--R2
August 24, 2011, 12:26:38 AM
Ok at first I wanted to yell

Dave run!!!
but all Hal remarks aside this is way geeky cool

and it has a Twitter account too
Snark and Rant / Rape and other sexual assault idiocy
August 24, 2011, 12:09:15 AM
This just has me boiling and my gears are grinding and WTF!!!!!

7th grade special education student expelled for rape claim-- male pled guilty to something-- now a federal law suit.

AND it does not freakin help that this occurred in the southern United States
Miscellaneous Discussion / HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAY BRADBURY
August 23, 2011, 09:08:02 PM
Ok a day late but

HAPPY 91ST BIRTHDAY RAY BRADBURY (yesterday August 22nd)

Wow 91 years.

Current Events / West Memphis Three
August 21, 2011, 10:35:17 PM
For 3 baby boys (each only 8 years old)
Stevie Branch
Michael Moore
Christopher Byers
you were brutally murdered and left in a stinking mud hole and no one who knows the story of how you died will ever forget you.

For the 3 young men (aged 16, 17 and 18) who also died that day
Damien Echols
Jessie Misskelley
Jason Baldwin
you were arrested, convicted, one sentenced to death, the other two to life without parole
no one who has ever studied the story of you will ever forget you.

However a small bit of justice in this entire abortion that has gone on for almost 20 years

Free at last
The West Memphis 3 are Free.

I hope that all 6 of you are at peace
I hope those 3 baby boys have endless sun and never go flat bike tires.
I hope the 3, now grown me, can have some life and some sun.

For most of my daughters lives i've been of the opinion
me a grandmother
no way jose

but the last few months have found me absolutely -well--lusting for the honor of being a grandmother

I want a grandbaby!!
I really want my daughters to get busy (to borrow a phrase) and get me some
gran chillens

perhaps it is my own biological clock talking to me as I had my daughters quite young-but I find myself seeking out the infants section in stores, drooling over itty bitty clothing items, and oooing and ahing over various wee folks I see in public.

Now the one daughter is very serious and plans on getting married next year-- so perhaps if they choose to have children, I could be a grand mummy in about 21 months--ya know unless they wish to start sooner---but I am really trying very hard to not bug them about it-they are young and don't need a crazed woman with grandmom lust adding to their list of 'things to do'

The anthrochild tells me she will adopt-- Wonderful- they will be every bit my grandbabies--but come on --does she want help with the paper work I ask?
and she rolls her eyes

I think that I would even be overjoyed to have a grandpuppy or kitty or bunny or ya know!

Whatever babies my daughters and their intended mates choose to have--i'll be there with open arms and love to spare

so I have the grandparent bug badly

(and if perhaps they choose to not have children-- I will always support them and be there and be happy for them)
now we can't trust the caller ID

ABC News Phone Spoofing story

the fact is- never, ever under any circumstances give out sensitive info over the phone-- we should know this by know but it bears repeating.
HumbleOdeon / Time Zone Converter
April 14, 2009, 05:51:29 AM
As I believe a library should contain many, many items of reference I would like to provide a link to a very nifty

Time Zone Conversion tool

-should anyone think this belongs in another place, please feel free to move, adjust, whack with a hammer at will-

I like it because it is easy to use- i'm all thumbs ya know  :'(
Games and Jokes / Video Spam game
October 28, 2008, 06:08:20 AM
no point to it
simply spam your mates with a new video

(Chatty started it-well got me started on AC/DC today anyway  :mrgreen:)


Ok Brian- love you babe-- but Long Live Bon!
Politics / dead bear cub with Obama signs over head
October 21, 2008, 12:42:06 PM
What do you think of this

Bear Cub (ok so it is a big bear cub, still a cub and the whole thing sounds ominous.
General Piratin' Issues / Chum
October 20, 2008, 08:09:21 AM
Tha Mythical Creture known as Joe The Pumber (no relation to Bustlin Brian) 'Az been Cited in Town

check out about 3:15 for the chum reference


When will Mayorial Candidate Old Father learn to vet his mouthpieces?

Music / Type O Negative
October 13, 2008, 07:34:38 AM
So lately I am having what I can only describe as a nostalgic love affair with TON--- naturally the affair is platonic and one sided on my part-- :heartbeat:   ::)

Who knows what it is--- I was never goth-- I did my share of headbanging in the 80's (explains alot) and I have always had eclectic music tastes--- from Pavarotti to these guys.

Why climb mount everest when green eyed Peter Steele* is in the world. And once again here we go with the bad boys with lots of baggage in a band who reminds me of 'ago'. Sigh and apparently he has also now really and truly lost his mind.
Something about the date of the apocalypse being given to him and 3 others (like a trinity or himself and Johnny, Kenny and Josh). Now does he (avowed athiest-oh the Roman Catholic thing with him lately as well) really think this or is it more likely that
he is simply re-exploring the idea from Carnivore(earlier, theme) days?

To be sucessful as a musician on has to be in the public eye- so I think that much of what they do is geared towards that and the personna they choose to have. I once saw Pete on jerry Springer and he was talking about groupies and how he was just there to pay the phone bill.

Any one else a TON fan? (and it's the music as well)

*Warning-- do not google Peter Steele photos-- it is not work safe--seriously-- he has done some insane drug/alcohol/moronic fueled things-- hopefully he will stay on the wagon from now on. At least my insanity hasn't been so public.

When you are in Australia (or anywhere down under ya know!)


Games and Jokes / What's in Black Barts Beard? version 1.0
September 16, 2008, 06:51:23 AM
1. Bassett`s Licorice Allsorts Candy
season 34 opener here
Palin and Clinton

is it Tina or Sarah up there????? seriously funny stuff.

yes we can make up a SNL game

Have any of you seen the new Windows 'Mojave' commercial?
I could not find it on youtube but found this for your head scratching, wtf?, die vistas already viewing pleasure

the idea seems to be
get people to try vista using deceit and they will love it just soooooooooo much
yeah, personally I just love it when a big richie corporation lies to me

Miscellaneous Discussion / Obama-Letterman Top 10 List
September 13, 2008, 08:02:28 AM
"I'll put Regis on the nickle."


this will freak some of you out (it did me).
some of you will begin to drool (here is a hankie for you)

at one point I was like--no way, it's two people and they are tweaking the film--but then towards the end they show Big Dog naked--- it is a robot.

Link Here

again thanks to Phil Platt for the heads up on the robot overlords  ;)
Let's just post about things we think we should all 'just say no' to.

#1: Palm oil--not only it in unhealthy- it's growth and manufacture are contributing to the loss of endangered species--- only one of which is the Orangutan.
So say no to Palm Oil!!!!  like these two darling young ladies did

#2: Paper or plastic--- grocery bags, how about buy some inexpensive reusable ones. Linky to one source here and I know y'all know how to 'google' and find more and check your local store for a display of them, or go to the Toadfish shop and invest in a few heavy duty canvas ones  :D
lights off for one hour from 8pm to 9pm-- in your local time zone.
if you 'missed' it then just 'do it' with me at 8pm my time-- CST United States.

ok I'm going to attempt (strong emphasis on attempt) to put a youtube here and not a link to a youtube (no heckling, after all you wouldn't laugh at someone who fell off the gang plank would you--- ok you would-- just not out loud please)


[this sort of reminds me of our dear sibling Zono-- the accent is wrong o course and this blaggart not be as handsome- but something about him reminds me o Zono ?????

Edit note---- ok darn it-- I see the little youtube box above and I have the embed link but can't make it look proper--- to put the box on with the play button---- HELP!!!!!! honestly it can't be that hard

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

and here's the regular link
here is the link 'embed' copy----

Aggie edit:  It's a bit confusing ....  all you need is the video ID:
[    youtube=425,350]rnqvlqLrd7M[/youtube   ]