Toadfish Monastery

Pirate's Cove - Enter at your peril - Blaggards ahead! => All Things Piratey! => Topic started by: Bluenose on September 11, 2007, 03:15:58 AM

Title: Help for Land Lubbers to speak like a Pirate
Post by: Bluenose on September 11, 2007, 03:15:58 AM
Avaarst there me 'earties.  It 'ave become appar'nt that thar be some 'earabowts wot be 'avin a bit o' trubble lernin ter talk proper, loike a pirate.

I 'ave dun me 'omewerke and 'ave compiled a list o' suggestions ye can pracktiss and ye'll be talking loike a pirate in no toime!

Pleeze note that this list be written in Henglishe fer the easy consumtshun of Land Lubbers, so enny pirates wot look in 'ere may become a bit confuzzed, but that be sommat we'll jest 'ave ter risk ter 'elp out those less fortunate than ourselfs.

How to Speak Like  Pirate